The Purpose of Poetry

I like a poem when I’m too tired For articles and books complex and deep…

I like a poem when I’m too tired

For articles and books complex and deep

Or my brain is simply over-wired.

When with furrowed brow thought is required

To consider, reflect, connections leap

Across the page; neurons must fire.

A poem is a form somewhat higher,

Beyond consciousness where meaning seeps

Like rock filtered waters, minds inspired.

No more conjugations, worries, lies

A poem can cause a person to weep

Or smile, for it defies

Logic. A poet needs imagery, pace, relies

On rhythm, not wordiness but somehow meets

The heart and all its needy cries.

A poem asks the question why

In patterned phrases and senses greets

I like a poem when I am tired

Words seduced, distilled to treasure and keep.