My Books


Books by Lyndsay Jean Campbell

The Aro Street Girls

Kathy’s world is torn apart when her fiancé enlists with New Zealand Forces to fight in World War One. When their father dies, Kathy and her siblings, are forced to grow up fast and her dream to become a teacher is thrown into question. Kathy’s romance with Freddie continues via letters to and from the Front, but her devotion is challenged when Pacifist, Arthur Tremaine appears on the scene. This charming yet gritty tale set against wartime life in New Zealand a century ago, The Aro Street Girls is awash with romance, mystery and excitement. The Spanish flu has taken hold in Britain and the disease follows returning soldiers home. The 1918 New Zealand influenza epidemic is soon in full swing with devastating consequences. Will Freddie survive the war to claim his love?

“Delightful story of New Zealand family life during Wartimes”
This story had me hooked from the beginning, weaving the lives of a family in NZ during the war and their trials, loves, disappointments, and simple joys. The author tells the story delightfully and makes you fall totally into the book. I look forward to reading more from this author.
Julie Gee

Successful Motor Homing around New Zealand

Keen motor-homers , my partner and I enjoy travelling to different parts of the country to visit family and enjoy our own backyard; something to appreciate in these pandemic times. While living in a motorhome in 2016 and 2017, I began writing a non-fiction book about the experience. Successful Motor homing Around New Zealand; Stories and Advice from Kiwis Travelling and Living on the road, was born and is available on Kindle.

Precious Little Lives

When the worst, the most disastrous thing possible happens, is Francie’s life in 1940s New Zealand ruined, and if so, who is to blame?

1940s.Wartime in New Zealand – two islands in the South Pacific. A small population living under the threat of Japanese invasion but U.S. forces spice up the cities and leave a trail of broken hearts. Francie is a country girl aching for excitement and keen to explore the possibilities life offers. Until it all goes wrong. She was not looking for love, but love comes with trauma and judgement. Shamed girls are hidden from the gossipmongers to provide babies for those unable to have their own. A crooked priest and girls rejected by their own families. A secret to guard for life. Francie’s story is more common than you think.